Introduction: My First Post!

first_post_picHi! Thanks for visiting! This blog was created to serve as a creative outlet and showcase my love for travel, design and fashion. Why do I call myself the last bachchelorette?  Well, the word bachelorette is definitely more attractive than spinster!  I am single, totally single and have been for a while. I think I have experienced every type of scenario in dating. I have so many tales in dating (keep reading the blog and you may be entertained by the stories) that actually some of my friends are wary of putting themselves in the dating pool. I am not a perfect person, but I think what I’ve learned in dating is that honestly, you just have to find someone that totally gets you. I also created this blog because I know that there are women out there who may be struggling in their singleness. For some women (such as myself), when you get to a certain age, and still find yourself single, you may began to wonder exactly what is wrong with you. While I will share some advice and some adventures that I have experienced in dating, I didn’t create this blog to tell you how to find that special someone or what you should do to attract your soulmate. It was created solely for living your life, whether there is someone by your side or not, to the fullest.  I hope you stick around for my adventures and hope you enjoy reading my blog.

sinature_smAngela, The Last Bachelorette



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