Hotel Movich: Gem of Cartagena

Lobby of the Hotel Movich in Cartagena

Sweltering. That would be the exact word as I endlessly walked and explored Cartagena’s famed walled city. In my haste, I had booked a trip to the Colombian port city in the midst of rainy season. Usually, I do plenty of research before traveling to a new place, but for some reason, I failed to realize I was going to be visiting during the most rainy and humid part of the year. Perhaps I was enchanted by all of the photographs I had seen of this colorful city and therefore that was the reason this fact slipped my mind.

I had been in Cartagena for three days and during that time, I had explored its narrow cobblestone streets in the old town, admired at the beautiful gardenias and hibiscus flowers spilling over the many balconies, and tried my best to chat with the locals despite my limited Spanish. Amidst all of my sightseeing and wonder, I needed a serious refuge from the most oppressive heat and humidity I believe I had ever experienced.

To be honest, Cartagena and I actually got off on the wrong foot. My first hotel was quaint, charming and budget friendly. However, upon my my arrival I was informed that they were suffering a power outage. Although power was restored a few hours later, that first impression wasn’t exactly how I had envisioned my first few hours in the city I had wanderlusted over.

For my last night of my trip I decided to splurge a little and decided to choose Hotel Movich, a small luxury hotel just a few blocks away. Hotel Movich, I believed would give me the refuge I desperately needed.

I was right.

Hotel Movich decor

Movich is a little departure from the traditional Spanish Colonial architecture within the walled city. The hotel is quite contemporary. The sunlit lobby was sophisticated, with ample seating, unique drapery, and lanterns. Since I had just booked a room online about an hour ago, I didn’t expect it to be ready, but I was pleasantly surprised that there was a room available for me upon arrival.

Guest room at Hotel Movich Cartagena

If gorgeous decor isn’t enough to convince your to stay at Movich, then perhaps the rooftop infinity pool will. A winding staircase on the top floor leads you to the half-circle shaped pool and a rooftop terrace.When visiting Cartagena, it almost goes without saying to choose a hotel with a rooftop pool. The views from the rooftop pool and terrace boasts panoramic views of the magnificent domed cathedrals, the bay and the neighborhood of Bocagrande.  I slipped into the pool and all of the pores in my skin eagerly soaked up the cool, calming water that my body desperately needed.  I stayed on the roof a few hours, drinking Limonada de Coco and truly enjoying the moment.

Infinity Pool at the Hotel Movich Cartagena

Sunset on the roof of Movich is something not to be missed. There, I witnessed one of the most gorgeous sunsets I’ve seen to date. Magnificent that even the waitstaff and bartenders took pause to admire this natural wonder, beautiful hues of first orange and red, and then transitioning into purples and violet. Truly satisfied, I finally sank into the plush bedding in my room. I quickly fell asleep in this gem of a hotel, my Colombian refuge and sanctuary away from home.

sunset in Cartagena

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